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Workplace Modifications

Your Employment Success (Y.E.S) in Adelaide, South Australia offer a wide range of services  in the employment sector for our Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing Impaired participants. Not only do we help you look for and gain valued long-lasting employment, but we can organise Workplace Modifications, Equipment and Services to improve access to work opportunities, and maximise capacity and workplace independence.

If you work at least eight hours a week, we can help you access funds for workplace modifications at no cost to you or your employer. These can involve minor changes to your work area or office; new tools, equipment, technology or communication devices; adapting pre-existing work vehicles or work sites; and team awareness training.

Specific examples of Workplace Modifications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing can be:

  • Flashing lights (on machinery/forklifts/vehicles, or attached to emergency systems such as fire alarms or even door bells
  • Paging systems
  • Deaf Awareness Training in the workplace
  • Assistance equipment such as Roger Pens or assistive technology for communication or ease of access

Your Employment Success (Y.E.S) will help our participants with access to any workplace modifications they will need to gain and sustain long term employment. We can conduct workplace modification assessments to determine what the best service or equipment is for our participants to increase independence and longevity in the workplace.

Your Employment Success accesses funding through the federal government’s Employment Assistance Fund (EAF).

Get in touch today to find out if we can assist you.

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